No doubt about it, 4-layered chocolate cake wins. It's like a competition between Harry Potter and Twilight-- we have a clear winner.
So it is back to school we go. 2nd semester of 3rd year. Taking 5 courses instead of 6, cooking instead of studying, watching movies instead of sleeping. For the first time since the 1st semester of 1st year, I am finding myself doing absolutely no work towards this semester as of yet. Although I did write a biochemistry final and make a 4-layered chocolate cake all in the same day, so still a rather productive weekend. I also changed my room around. Complete 360. BAM! It's like a whole new place. I think I need another poster though. This one wall I am currently staring at looks rather empty.
Erin's parchment paper smiley face. She ated it after. |
Anyway... let's get to it. So where did this crazy idea of 4-layered chocolate cake come from? Preston. Preston is a very good friend who also loves to bake. Him and another friend of mine, Liam, made dinner rolls, croissants, french loafs and apple pie all in a day. They love their food, and they're good at making it too! Love them! So Preston and I decided to make something together. Since I was busy studying for that biochem final, Preston looked up the recipe. He chose a double-chocolate layer cake from Food&Wine. Well, at first it was another 4-layered cake recipe but it had to sit for 3 days. This girl is not going to wait 3 days for chocolate cake. Adapting this current recipe, we came up with our magnificent creation, with the help of our good friends Erin and Zoe=)
This cake was moist and rich and just the right amount of sweetness. I blundered up for the first two layers by adding 1tsp of baking soda instead of 2 like the recipe called for, but turns out, the only difference it made was how puffy it looked immediately after it came out of the oven. All the layers turned out the exact same once completely cool. And please oh please I beg you, if you make this recipe, go distract yourself with something while the cake layers COMPLETELY cool, otherwise, it'd just be a mess of melting whipped cream and kajumble of chocolate cake. We wouldn't want kajumble now would we? No, no we wouldn't.
Chocolatey goodness is orgasmic! |
Just one more thing before we get to the actual recipe. After the cake was finished, we decided to make this our friend's birthday cake. His birthday is on January 20th but it's never too early for a 21st birthday celebration. People came over, we had cake, we played hangman (yes, we are that cool). One really special thing happened though. It also happens to be our friend James' birthday on the 9th (today!) but, unfortunately, he was unable to return to school this year. Good news is, he will be back and he will kick that music school's bottom! My point is... we called him, lit the candle for the cake and all sang happy birthday to James on the phone. And Karn. Karn got a happy birthday too. It was really special. It is moments like these that makes being away from home and studying so so soooooo much less hellish. And other funny moments too, many unmentionable ones...
Get on with the recipe already!
Here it is! Adapted from Food&Wine Double-Chocolate Layer Cake.
Need!-- 9" cake pans- multiple ones if possible
Oven temp: 350F
3 1/2 cup flour
4 cups sugar
1 1/2 cup cocoa powder
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp baking soda
2 cup buttermilk
1 cup vegetable oil
4 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
2 cup hot brewed coffee
1. Line cake pans with parchment paper, grease, then dust with flour.
2. Get going on that coffee making!
3. Mix flour with sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in one very large mixing bowl.
4. Whisk eggs, then whisk in buttermilk, oil and vanilla.
5. Pour wet mixture into dry mixture in 4-5 separate batches, slowly incorporating (doesn't need to be completely) wet into dry.
6. Slowly mix coffee into the mixture until you see no lumps, no bumps. Just a silky smooth batter.
*Note: it was fairly liquidy, but it's ok, it will turn out!
7. Pour 1/4 of the batter into each cake pan. If you have 1, then do it one at a time. If you have 2, then 2. Whatever works for you. Just make sure you wash, line, grease and dust the cake pans after it's been used if you are using it again.
8. Bake for 35 min!
While the layers are baking, or cooling...
8 ounces chocolate
1 cup butter at room temperature
1 large egg yolk
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 to 2 cups icing sugar (taste dependent)
1 tbsp instant coffee in 2 tsp of water
milk- enough for frosting consistency
1. Melt chocolate in microwave until melted-- I suggest doing 1 minute at a time at medium power. Please avoid burning chocolate. Burning chocolate will make your day sad.
2. Let chocolate cool to room temperature
3. Beat butter until pale and fluffy-- we used a spatula, and a spoon. And a lot of beating. Feel free to use an electric beater if you have one.
4. Add egg yolk and vanilla then beat some more!
5. Slowly beat in icing sugar. About 1/4 cup at a time to make sure it gets fully incorporated. Add about 1 1/2 cup to begin with.
6. Beat in coffee and chocolate and it will look something like this:

7. Add more icing sugar if you want it to be sweeter.
8. Add milk one splash at a time until frosting is smooth and thick-- like the stuff that comes in a jar.

1 cup whipping cream
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup icing sugar
1. Whip that cream until it begins to thicken.
2. Add vanilla and icing sugar.
3. Slowly beat the mixture to start with. When it really starts to thicken up, go to town with that whipping. I like to hand whip. It's the best.
At the end, the whipped cream should be thick and stiff. Stiffer than usual. Then you know you've really put some hand power into it.
Maraschino cherries if you'd like to decorate it!
Layering like a ninja! |
1. Once all layers are cooled, then you may start to assemble.
2. Lay first layer bottom bottom. Trim top if the cake top is not flat.
3. Spread a generous layer of whipped cream onto cake. About half a centimeter thick.
4. Lay on second layer bottom bottom. Trim if needed.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all other layers-- just no whipped cream on the top layer.
6. Spread chocolate frosting onto the sides of the cake using a rubber spatula, sealing all the edges. As such:
Slap it on then smooth, slap then smooth. |
7. Spread frosting onto the top. Again, making sure the cake layers are not seen.
8. Decorate the top of the cake however you like!
P.S. We wanted to lay strawberries in between the layers as well after the whipped cream application but the grocery store didn't have any the day of making. The day after though, they had pints and pints of them for 2 for $5.
And VOILA! We had ourselves a decadent, 4-layered chocolate cake. SCHAZAM! It was amazing to say the least. Managed to feed 16 people with this cake, and most people didn't even finish their slice because it's so rich. But so good. Yet so bad for your health. But sin is good for a person once in a while. Commit this sin. This sin will make you feel so good. Then hit the gym. Worry about the latter part after. Indulgence is key.
Liam: It's damn good cake! |
Photo credits to Zoe!